Direct speech (inverted commas): ostrich

2 - The Grammar Bit

The Grammar Bit!

Read the three sentences opposite that feature the animals in the main clip. You’ll notice that they have been given human qualities that include the power of speech. Have you read any stories where animals have been brought to life in this way?

When you want to show the words spoken by a character, you must use inverted commas (also known as speech marks). Notice how they enclose (go around) the spoken words.

For each sentence, a reporting clause (bold) is used to introduce the spoken words so that we know who is speaking.

With your talk partner, discuss where the reporting clause comes in each of the sentences opposite. Once you have done this, see if you can identify the punctuation marks (other than inverted commas) that have been used.

Scintillating Sentences

1) “You stay here with the chicks,” instructed Olly the ostrich, “and I’ll see off those pesky hyenas once and for all.”

2) “Keep a safe distance from that enormous bird. He could easily kill us with those powerful legs,” the pack leader warned his clan.

3) As the defeated hyenas headed off into the sunset with their tails between their legs, Zalika the hyena hissed, “Don’t worry, we’ll be back!”

Did you know?

Not only are ostriches the largest birds in the world, they also have the largest eyes in the whole of the animal kingdom. Their eyes are even bigger than their brain! This allows them to see predators, such as lions and hyenas, from far away.