Extending sentences with but, and, or: ibex

3 - Whiteboard Challenges

Whiteboard Challenges

Challenge 1

Complete the first sentence with one of the coordinating conjunctions listed on the Word Wall.

Challenge 2

Copy and complete the second sentence by extending it from the coordinating conjunction – ‘but’.

Challenge 3

Write your own scintillating sentence about an ibex and/or her kid. Include some of the descriptive words from the Word Wall, and extend the sentence by using one of the three coordinating conjunctions (andbut and or).

Whiteboard Challenges

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1) The animal in the film clip is the ibex, ____ it is also known as the mountain goat.

2) The mother ibex and her kid slipped as they climbed the vertical dam wall, but

Word Wall

and, but, or ibex mountain goat kid dam gravity-defying nail-biting courageous fearless nimble surefooted strong bond