Phrases and clauses: badger

4 - Writing Ideas

Inspired by Nature Worksheet

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Writing Ideas

  • Read the poem, Benny the Badger, by Bill Hoeneveld. In the poem, Benny finds his perfect partner after digging a hole all the way to France! Using the poem as a source of inspiration, write a story about a badger that digs a hole and ends up having an exciting adventure. Will your badger end up in a place they intended to visit, like Benny, or will it be a complete surprise?
  • Like foxes, badgers can sometimes be spotted in towns and cities, where they may make their homes in parks, graveyards and even gardens. Write a letter from an urban badger to a country badger. In your letter, you could mention both the good things and the bad things about city life.

Related Clip

Badgers communicating in the dark.

Credit: BBC Two – The Burrowers: Animals Underground