Possessive Apostrophes: rhea

4 - Writing Ideas

Inspired by Nature Worksheet

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Writing Ideas

  • Writing as a female rhea, you have decided to place a lonely hearts ad in the latest edition of The Daily Bird. What are you looking for in a partner? What would your ideal partner look like and how should they behave?
  • The males in the main video clip were trying to impress a female with their dance/fight. Imagine you were watching, and write a commentary to describe what’s happening.
  • In the news, it was recently reported that 20 rheas have been running around a housing estate in Hertfordshire! Imagine that you were living in the area and a rhea ran through your garden. Write about this remarkable encounter, using all of your descriptive writing skills.

Related Clip

The rhea and other enormous flightless birds.

Credit: BBC Two – Natural World