Prepositions: gibbon
The Grammar Bit!
Read the three sentences opposite. They each contain a preposition (bold). A preposition is a word (or sometimes a phrase) that indicates a relationship, typically in terms of place or time, between two or more things, people or events.
In the first sentence, the preposition ‘next’ tells us where the agile gibbon swung through the trees in relation to his friend. Other place prepositions include in front of, inside, behind, below and above.
In the second sentence, the preposition ‘while’ tells us when the adult gibbons were swinging through the trees in relation to the actions of the younger gibbons. Other time prepositions include before, after, at and since.
In the third sentence, the preposition ‘towards’ tells us the direction in which the youngster moved in relation to his friend. Other direction prepositions include around, through, into and along.
With your talk partner, say each sentence aloud with a different preposition from the lists above. Which ones work best?
Scintillating Sentences
1) Deep in the dense rainforest, the agile gibbon swung through the trees next to his primate friend.
2) Adult gibbons were swinging effortlessly through the trees, while youngsters were practising some of the more difficult moves.
3) The excited youngster made his way towards his friend so that they could play together in the lofty trees.

Did you know?
On the rare occasions that gibbons come down from the treetops, they walk on two feet, throwing their arms in the air for balance.