Commas to clarify meaning: humpback whale

3 - Whiteboard Challenges

Whiteboard Challenges

Challenge 1

Identify the meaning behind sentence 1. Rewrite it so that there is a comma in the sentence and identify how this alters its meaning.

Challenge 2

Identify the meaning behind sentence 2. Rewrite it so that the comma is in a different place and identify how this alters its meaning.

Challenge 3

Identify the meaning behind sentence 3. Rewrite it so that the comma is in a different place and identify how this alters its meaning. Now improve your sentence with some of the descriptive words from the Word Wall.

Whiteboard Challenges

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1) “Quick humpbacks are diving!”

2) She swam to her calf, quickly realising that the killer whales were fast approaching.

3) The proud mother swam on her knobbly head, held just beneath the surface.

Word Wall

humpback whale bubble-net feeding Antarctica baleen krill banquet tiny crustacean fat reserve filtered tail fluke pectoral fin breached spiraled