Cohesive devices: oceanic whitetip shark
Learning Objective
We can link ideas using a range of cohesive devices.
Context: oceanic whitetip shark
Credit: BBC One - Shark
Clip Description
Oceanic whitetip sharks are so named because of the white tips on all of their rounded fins. These sharks can be found along the equator in warm tropical and subtropical waters. They are nicknamed the ‘Dark Knights of the Ocean’ as they prefer to hunt at night. Another popular nickname for the animal is the ‘Sea Dog’. This is because, like a dog who follows its master, the sharks can often be spotted following fishing boats in the hope of a tasty supper.
In this fascinating clip, we learn how the acute senses of a whitetip can not only lead it to its next meal, but often into danger. By following a fishing boat that is trailing a baited line in the ocean, the shark risks becoming injured by the hooks that skewer the fish. Furthermore, shark hunting boats are often patrolling near by, readying themselves to snatch the sharks from the ocean so that their fins can be turned into shark fin soup. Do the sharks have a future in our oceans? Watch the clip to find out.
Word Challenge
For children and adults passionate about the natural world, watching a clip like this will undoubtedly stir their emotions. Make a list of emotive adjectives that describe your feelings, having learnt that these sharks are now critically endangered in some parts of the world.
e.g. furious, disgusted, concerned, …