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Writing Activities: Year 5

American alligator

With their lizard-like bodies, powerful jaws and muscular tails, alligators have a menacing appearance. Scientists believe that the species is more than 150 million years old. Unlike the dinosaurs, they managed to avoid extinction. American alligators are nearly always found in the southeast of the United States (mainly in Florida and Louisiana) in freshwater rivers, lakes, swamps and marshes. Although out of the water they are very heavy-footed, in the water they are agile, expert swimmers. They can weigh up to 1,000 pounds and on average are 10-15 feet long.

In this clip, we will see how a male alligator serenades a female with his song.


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Credit: BBC Two – Natural World

Literacy Idea

Imagine what the alligator might be saying to the female he is serenading. Is it a song about love? Is it about how powerful he is? Is it about his favourite food? You decide!

Write the lyrics to a song for an alligator to sing. Most songs rhyme, but you can decide.


I’m a mighty alligator – hear my roar

Through the fresh water I will soar

Would you like to come swim with me?

Maybe we could find some fish for tea…

Wider Curriculum Idea

Create a tune that you can sing your lyrics to! Why not perform it for your family and friends with your best alligator dance moves?