Measurement (area & perimeter): Rock Nests

1 - Learning Objective

Challenge Level ⭐⭐⭐

(designed for children with prior knowledge of the Year 3 programme of study)

Learning Objective

We are learning how to solve a natural world problem by using and applying our skills and knowledge of area.

Useful prior knowledge:

  • To understand how to calculate the area of a shape using the formula l x w
  • To understand how to find the area of an object inside a shape.

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Credit: BBC One - Seven Worlds, One Planet

Clip Description

In the Mississippi River, USA, the river chub is a remarkable fish. It picks up stones with its mouth and moves them to a make a pile. These piles can reach up to a metre high and 30 cm wide. They use them as a refuge for their eggs.

In this fascinating clip, we see a river chub in action, building its nest with thousands of different size and shaped rocks. Why might wildlife enthusiast Casper Cox choose to spend so much time with the river chub?  Watch the clip to find out.

Word Challenge

If a pile of stones had a diameter of 1 metre, how many piles could fit on a stretch of river that is 30 m long and 5 m wide?

How many more piles could fit on a river stretch that has the same width but is 40 m long?