Measurement (mass & weight): Blue Whale
The Problem
After watching the film clip, Benjamin was curious to know how many scuba divers would have the same mass as a blue whale.
Can you help help Benjamin find an answer to this question by using the infographic opposite?
(Teacher note: For simplification, female and male variations in mass are not given.)
Compare your answer to a classmate’s. Can you give reasons for any similarities or differences?

Did you know?
The blue whale is not only the world’s largest animal, but it is also the loudest. These remarkable creatures communicate over vast distances using moans, groans and pulsed calls.
Visualising the Problem and Getting Started
Mahad said, “It’s not possible to find out how many scuba divers have the same mass as a blue whale because the mass of the blue whale isn’t given.”
Do you agree with Mahad? How do you know?