Number (estimation): Elephant Estimation
The Problem
A Thai boy called Aroon loved visiting Lek’s elephant orphanage at the weekend. His favourite elephant was a large female called Chana. Aroon and Chana can be seen in the photograph opposite. Aroon is 1.2 m tall.
Working with a partner, can you estimate the following lengths to the nearest 10 cm?
- Chana’s height
- The length of Chana’s trunk
- The length of Chana’s tail
- The length of Chana’s right tusk
- Chana’s body length if both her tail and trunk are stretched out
How do you know your estimations are reasonable?

Did you know?
Asian elephants need to eat an average of 150 kg per day to survive. They spend more than two thirds of a day feeding on grasses, bark, roots, leaves and stems.
Visualising the Problem and Getting Started
Mohammed said, “I think Chana’s height is approximately 240 cm. This is because she is double the height of Aroon.”
Do you agree with Mohammed? How do you know?