Number (estimation): Jumping Competition
The Problem
An Olympic athlete and 6 creatures competed against each other in a long jump competition.
The cards below give clues as to how far each animal jumped.
1) Starting with the animal that came in seventh place, can you work with a partner and order the clue cards to show where the animals came in the competition? Can you justify your order?
2) Using your skills and knowledge of place value and estimation, can you draw an arrow on each number line (opposite) to show how far each animal jumped?
Did you know?
Snow leopards have super-strong legs, which allow them to leap almost 15 m horizontally. This makes the snow leopard one of the longest, most powerful leapers of all the big cats.
Visualising the Problem and Getting Started
Notice how each number line is divided into four equal sections. Why might this be helpful when you mark the distances that each animal jumped with an arrow?