KS2 Maths Lessons: Year 3 Maths
Challenge level ⭐⭐
(designed for children with prior knowledge of the Year 3 and Year 4 programme of study)
Learning Objective
We are learning how to identify whether angles are greater than or less than a right angle.
Context: the natural world
Clip Description
In nature, angles are present everywhere.
They can be seen between the tentacles of a snail and the veins of a leaf.
In this fascinating clip, we are transported to the Alladale Wilderness Reserve in the Scottish highlands. You’ll see colourful hills and glistening rivers that are teeming with wildlife. As you watch the clip, make a mental note of the different places that angles can be seen.
Quick Whiteboard Challenge
In this lesson, we will be introduced to right-angles. A right angle is a special type of angle that has a size of 90 degrees.
Can you think of a number sentence that equals 90, which no one else in the class will have thought of?