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Morning Starters: Autumn 1 - Life Cycles


Did You Know?

Every living thing has a life cycle, and each one is wonderfully unique! A life cycle shows how creatures grow, change, and reproduce according to their environment. For example, birds hatch from eggs, develop feathers, and eventually achieve flight; amphibians begin life as tadpoles in water before undergoing a dramatic transformation; and mammals, like us, start life inside their mothers, where they are equipped with the necessary nutrients to grow.

Word Challenge

Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check

Use the above strategy to learn the spellings of the words underlined in the ‘Did you know?’ paragraph.

Grammar Challenge

Click text to edit

Proofread and rewrite the sentence below.

A humans life sicle starts as a baby, then progresses to childhood adolescence adulthood and eventualy to old age.

Hint: There are three punctuation errors and two spelling errors.

Number Challenge

Life cycle diagram are circular (see below).

How does a circle differ to other 2D shapes?

Critical Thinking

A life cycle is something that goes around and around.

Make a list of all the different things that go around and around. 


Clock hands marking time