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Morning Starters: Autumn 1 - A Bug's Life


Did You Know?

In return for protecting their young from assassin bugs, some treehoppers provide bodyguard bees with a sugary treat called honeydew. Treehoppers are a group of insects with specialized muscles in their hind legs that enable them to jump considerable distances. Worldwide, there are over 3,000 species of treehoppers.


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Credit: BBC One - Planet Earth III

Word Challenge

Compound words are created when two or more words combine to form a new single word.

e.g. honey + dew = honeydew

Make a list of the compound words that appear in the ‘Did you know?’ paragraph. 

Grammar Challenge

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“Give me some honeydew and I’ll see what I can do,” replied the greedy bee.

What did the treehopper say, if this was the bee’s reply?

Number Challenge

  • The largest treehoppers grow to just 15 mm in length.

How many treehoppers could sit on your middle finger if lined up end to end?

Critical Thinking

How have you helped someone this week?

Did you expect something in return?