Morning Starters: Autumn 2 - Evolving & Adapting
Did You Know?
Meet the meat-eating Venus flytrap, a plant that has evolved to live in boggy, nutrient-poor soil by developing plant parts that are capable of trapping and eating mini-beasts. When an insect or arachnid crawls across a leaf blade and touches a trigger hair, the mouth-like leaf of the plant snaps shut, trapping the creature inside.
Credit: BBC One - Green Planet
Word Challenge
Compile a list of all the hyphenated adjectives that appear on this page.
Add a new hyphenated adjective to the list that could be used to describe a Venus flytrap plant.
Grammar Challenge
Write a sentence about an insect trapped in the jaws a Venus flytrap plant that includes a simile.
Example: Like a traitor imprisoned in a dungeon, the fly was unable to escape.
Number Challenge
There are 30 Venus flytraps in a bog. Of these, 20 Venus flytraps caught flies, 15 caught ants, and 10 caught both flies and ants.
How many Venus flytraps didn’t catch any insects at all?
Critical Thinking
A new species of carnivorous plant has just been discovered. What might it look like?
Describe in words or draw your thoughts.