Morning Starters: Autumn 2 - Bizarre Beasts
Did You Know?
The industrious star-nosed mole uses its bizarre star-shaped nose to find food and feel its way around in the dark as it travels through its underground tunnel network. Remarkably, this curious mammal is capable of swimming and can even use its nose to detect underwater prey.
Credit: BBC One - Mammals
Word Challenge
When you hear the ‘us’ sound at the end of an adjective, it is spelled ‘ous’
List some ‘ous’ ending adjectives that describe a star-nosed mole.
Hint: You can find some on this page.
Grammar Challenge
Copy and complete the sentence below with the star-nosed mole’s whispered words.
As she entered the tunnel network, the star-nosed mole whispered, …
Number Challenge
Molly, the star-nosed mole, weighs 49 grams. She eats twice her own body weight in worms every day.
What was the weight of worms eaten by Molly after 2 weeks?
Critical Thinking
What would you say to comfort a star-nosed mole, who is feeling self-conscious about her unusual nose?