Morning Starters: Summer 1 - Food for Thought
Clip Description
To help the planet, we can eat more plant-based foods, choose fruits and vegetables that are grown nearby and in season, and try not to waste food. Eating less meat, especially beef, helps lower the amount of harmful gases released into the air. Choosing organic foods supports farming that is better for the environment. Eating fewer processed foods also reduces the energy needed to make them.
Word Challenge
Notice how some words have other words hiding within them.
e.g. planet – lane nearby – ear
List the words that are hiding within the words ‘vegetables’ and ‘environment.’
Grammar Challenge
Copy and complete the sentence below.
Growing your own food …
Number Challenge
Emma discovered that she was wasting 3 kilograms of food each month. By planning her meals better, she successfully reduces her monthly food waste by 75%.
How many kilograms will Emma waste each year by planning her meals?
Critical Thinking
What can supermarkets do to address some of problems caused by the food that we buy?