Morning Starters: Summer 1 - Record Breakers
Clip Description
The sperm whale holds the title for being the loudest animal on the planet. It produces powerful clicking sounds with an intensity reaching up to 230 decibels. (This level of sound is greater than that of an airplane jet engine, which is about 150 decibels.) These clicks facilitate echolocation and communication, aiding the sperm whale in the navigation of the deep ocean and the predation of prey such as giant squid.
Word Challenge
- Copy the words in the clip description that end in ‘-tion.’
- Add some more ‘-tion’ words to your list, which relate in some way to whales.
e.g. adaptation
Grammar Challenge
Copy the following sentence, adding the necessary punctuation.
Let s use the drone exclaimed the cameraman as the whales came into sight
Number Challenge
- A sperm whale has between 18 and 26 teeth on each side of its lower jaw.
What is the difference between the maximum and minimum total number of teeth a sperm whale might have?
Critical Thinking
Which human activities do you think threaten the survival of sperm whales as a species?