Commas for lists: marine iguana

4 - Writing Ideas

Inspired by Nature Worksheet

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Writing Ideas

  • Write a conversation between the marine iguana and the flightless cormorant that featured in the main clip. You could either record the spoken words using cartoons and speech bubbles or show off what you have learnt about direct speech in Year 3 and use inverted commas.
  • Read the poem, Marine Iguana, by Liz Brownlee. Having brainstormed lots of words and phrases that describe the appearance and behaviour of this remarkable creature(e.g. seaweed thief, ravenous reptile, snaking through the water etc.), have a go at writing your own short-lined poem.
  • You are diving off the coast of one of the Galápagos’ remarkable islands. All of a sudden you sight a marine iguana. Write about this underwater encounter. Did the iguana seem at ease eating algae? Was it eating frantically for fear that it might drown?

Related Clip

A male iguana is diving for food.

Credit: BBC One – The Blue Planet