Demarcating sentences: leaf chameleon

4 - Writing Ideas

Inspired by Nature Worksheet

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Writing Ideas

  • Read the poem Zipppp……. Splat! by Andrew Pembleton. The words ‘zip’ and ‘splat’ are onomatopoeic words – words that imitate the sounds that they are describing. Are there any more onomatopoeic words? Now have a go at writing your own poem about a chameleon, using onomatopoeia.
  • Imagine that you are an explorer, exploring a remote rainforest region of Madagascar. While taking a rest on the forest floor, a tiny leaf chameleon climbs up your leg! Write a travel journal entry about your encounter with this curious creature.
  • Write a conversation between a leaf chameleon and a Parson’s chameleon. The conversation could include things that they have in common, such as their long sticky tongues and their rotating eyes, and things that are different, such as their size. Will the conversation lead to a beautiful friendship?

Related Clip

The chameleons of Hawaii are unwelcome visitors.

Credit: BBC Two – Earth’s Tropical Islands