Demarcating sentences: scarlet macaw

4 - Writing Ideas

Inspired by Nature Worksheet

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Writing Ideas

  • You have the chance to “hot-seat” a scarlet macaw just as it is about to be released. Write 3 questions that you could ask. How might the macaws answer?
  • Imagine you are a scarlet macaw that has only ever lived in a cage. You are to be released soon and you have the chance to write a letter to the wild population, asking about life in the rainforest. Use a range of sentences and state how excited you are to be joining them.
  • Many scarlet macaws are trapped each year to be sold in the exotic pet trade. Write to the trappers saying how wrong it is to do this and that they should change their ways. Will you be able to change their minds?

Related Clip

Scarlet macaws lick clay so that they can get the essential minerals that their bodies need.

Credit: BBC One – Earthlight