Pronouns: barn owl

4 - Writing Ideas

Inspired by Nature Worksheet

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Writing Ideas

  • Jill Tomlinson’s classic tale, The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark, is about Plop, the baby barn owl. Plop, unlike most barn owls, thinks that the dark is scary, and he doesn’t want to go out hunting at night. Read The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark and write about another encounter Plop might have, which could change his feelings towards the dark.
  • Owls have super powers (silent flight and excellent hearing). What super powers would you like to have, and what would you do with them? Draw a picture of yourself as a superhero, and describe your powers and their uses.
  • You are Super Owl! You have all the super powers of an owl! Wily Weasel is hatching a plan to destroy the woodland, and it is your job to stop him before it is too late! Write a short story to describe how you stop this evil fiend and save the woodland from certain destruction!

Related Clip

A tiny harvest mouse has a lucky escape from a swooping barn owl.

Credit: BBC One – Planet Earth II