Modal verbs: snow leopard

3 - Whiteboard Challenges

Whiteboard Challenges

Challenge 1

Complete the first sentence using an appropriate modal verb from the Word Wall.

Challenge 2

Complete the second sentence using an appropriate modal verb and modal adverb from the Word Wall.

Challenge 3

Write your own scintillating sentence about the snow leopard featured in the film clip that contains a modal verb, a modal adverb and some of the descriptive words from the Word Wall.

Whiteboard Challenges

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  1. Due to poaching, loss of habitat and climate change, there _____  be fewer than 4,000 snow leopards left in the wild.
  2. Most people ______  ______ see a snow leopard in the wild because they live in one of the most inhospitable regions of the world.

Word Wall

will would should could might perhaps possibly certainly always snow leopard ageing male Himalayas territory scent mark pungent rugged romantic diligent sprayed posted roamed