Subordinating conjunctions: European hamster

3 - Whiteboard Challenges

Whiteboard Challenges

Challenge 1 
Copy and complete the first sentence.

Challenge 2
Add a subordinate clause to the beginning of the second sentence, having chosen a subordinating conjunction from the Word Wall.

Challenge 3
Write your own awesome (complex) sentence about the hamsters featured in the film clip. Start your sentence with one of the subordinating conjunctions from the Word Wall and some of the descriptive words provided.

Whiteboard Challenges

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1) As the triumphant female returned to her burrow, the male hamster …

2) _____________________________ , the black-bellied male stuffed his cheeks with candle wax.

Word Wall

after before as soon as while when as until because since if provided that as long as unless although European hamster ravenous rodent graveyard feast cheek pouches oily candlewax comical furtive sneaky stumbling grave-robbing