Passive voice: grey squirrel

4 - Writing Ideas

Inspired by Nature Worksheet

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Writing Ideas

  • Imagine you are the squirrel in the clip who was ‘burying’ the nut. You are frustrated by the other squirrel’s attempted thievery. Write a letter of complaint to the other squirrel, explaining why you found his behaviour unacceptable and what you hope to happen in the future.
  • In the 2005 remake of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, 40 squirrels were professionally trained by the Nut Room animal trainer – Michael Alexander and his team. The squirrels were taught to sit on stools, open nut shells and drop nuts onto a a conveyer belt. Imagine you were a member of Michael’s team. Write a diary entry that details what happened in an exciting day of training the squirrels.

Related Clip

A super smart squirrel finds its way through a maze.

Credit: BBC Two – Natural World