Contributor lessons: Hungry Hornbills
The Problem
Some male hornbills will visit a tree hole up to 70 times a day in order to feed a female and her chicks. (Geckos, seeds, insects, frogs, slugs, berries and occasionally snakes are on the menu!)
Males will feed the female throughout the length of an incubation period (the time taken for an egg to hatch). Once hatched, the mother and her chicks continue to be fed by the male until they break free and leave their nest hole.
Using the above facts and the information in the table (opposite) answer the following questions:
1) What is the least number of trips that a small male hornbill would make to a nest hole? And a large male?
2) What is the greatest number of trips that a small male hornbill would make to a nest hole? And a large male?

Did you know?
Hornbills are found in many myths of tribes on Southeast Asia and Indonesia.
Visualising the Problem and Getting Started
What is the least amount of time a small male would need to feed the female? Can you convert this into days?
What is the greatest amount of time a small male would need to feed the female? Can you convert this into days?