Cohesive devices: narwhal

4 - Writing Ideas

Inspired by Nature Worksheet

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Writing Ideas

  • Sadly, narwhals continue to be hunted for their ivory tusks, which are sold with or without carvings in countries around the world. In some countries, it is thought that ground narwhal tusks have medicinal properties with the ability to offer pain relief and treat fever. Find out more about the ivory trade and write a letter in support of a worldwide ban that all countries must sign up to.
  • Imagine a conversation between two narwhals, who had met head-to-head in the middle of an Arctic ice lead. Record their conversation using all the rules of writing direct speech. How did one persuade the other to make a U-turn?
  • Read the concrete (shape) poem, Narwhal, by Liz Brownlee. Now have a go at writing your own concrete poem about a Narwhal using your new-found knowledge of this magical creature.

Related Clip

Narwhals risk their lives as they journey through cracks in the ice.

Credit: BBC One – Nature’s Great Events